So I like "the city" on MTV. Does this make me a girl, probably...but I dont watch it for the same reasons as most people do. I dont care about how hot the girls are, or how tight the guys jeans are...I just like looking at their homes, and thinking, "damn son, people my age actually live like that." Sometimes it is horribly depressing, but then I realize I have jeffe, and they don't.
I think I have given up on "trust me." Its some dumb show on TNT (Turner should pay me for this advertising). I really wanted to like it, but it is absolutely horrible. With this in mind, I plan on watching it next week.
Pitt bball beat UCONN tonight. Blair destroyed the Jolly Green Giant. I guess when Blair and tall jeffe (dont worry, he'll never read this) are the same weight, but Blair is smaller, thus tougher, Tall Jeffe has no chance.
peace one