Sunday, May 4, 2008

Live Blog of Period 3

Chewning, Topaz, Alicia, T-Mill, Ankney, J-Robb and Nate Martin are here.

Steve Monac - Fried Bologna

Oakland Arby's has bought the naming rights to the Mellon Arena.

Arby's in Oakland Arena is the new name.

In the time I went upstairs to grab my Napster, the game was 2-1 and then they just scored tying it up at 2's which is really lame.

15:00 left in the third.

Brady Quinn is the number one quarterback ever according to T-Mill.

Straka seems like a big cry baby. Yeah just got slashed but have a little class.

11:22 left.

Earlier Ruutu knocked over Jagr and it was sweet.

Mike Milbury really sucks, he was never a good GM in New York, Islanders that is.

T-Mill's parents gave away Steelers season tickets.

Who wants to go to California and wear Docker's? Anybody?

T-Mill then called everyone assholes for making fun of him being peer pressured into buying Docker's and thinking that they're really cool.

Boner pockets and boner repellent are currently being discussed.

7:00 left.

Topaz is trying to watch the game and not contribute to the blog, as per usual, at least with regards to not contributing to the blog.

Iron Man is precious.

Everyone has been pretty well quiet.

Pens are rocking to Panama.

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