If you do...
They'll explode your spleen.
Sean Avery sucks anyhow.
As many of you may know, CMU's "Carnival" took place last week and with it came a variety of events that 5534 Raleigh had been eagerly anticipating. You may note, for instance, one of Graham's last posts involving his photo at the Roots show on Thursday, which I did not attend in my attempt to make the company softball "A" team.
Sidebar: I did not make the company softball "A" team (Not as cool as the real A-Team anyway. "Hey man, you're crazier than Murdoch!" - gets me every time. Also, a question out there: I assume that this "crime that they didn't commit" was discussed at some point on the A-Team, but I, for one, never knew what it was. Bonus points for anyone who can answer that one). Anyway, what bothers me about not making the fake A-team isn't the fact that it shows my lack of softball skills (I'm only mediumly crappy at it). The annoying thing is that the follow-up e-mail detailing the cut list noted that "splitting up the teams has very little to do with talent, it has more to do with making sure each team will have enough players consistently showing up to games."
But the thing is, the B team can see what staff made each team...and it's pretty clear that attendance was not the primary concern. The list clearly indicated that the best softball players (at least according to the observations that I was able to make at this try-out/practice) were on the A-team. Also the two leagues are called, respectively, the "can of corn" and "log swingers" league (or something like that). Now, even idiot, apparently uncoordinated, mouthbreathers such as myself can figure out that the can of corn league is for wusses and the log swingers league is for the true playas (in Graham's terms). And the can of corn league is the league that the B team is in. But whatever, there's beers involved, so I'm sure everyone's gonna have a good time and that's what it's all about in the end. I just feel like we should avoid stepping around the issue and simply state that the best players will be on the A-team. No need to coddle everyone's feelings. End of story...and end of sidebar.
So...as the above lengthy aside indicates, I regrettably missed out on the Roots concert on that Thursday, which seemed to be a good time from Graham's photo. I also suspect that it might have been a good time since Jon woke me from a sound sleep at about 1am by blasting the Kinks, then leaving his room for an extended period of time. I stumbled out of bed into his room and finding that this sonic assault was for the pleasure of apparently no one, returned to my room to cry myself to sleep.
CMU's Carnival celebration continued on Friday with a show from Human Giant. I hadn't really seen any of their sketches until recently, when Chewning turned me on to their "Will Arnett Sex Tape" sketch (available on Funny or Die.com, I highly recommend checking it out), but since that sketch was so ridiculously funny, I figured that going to their free show was a good plan. Graham seemed to be of a similar mindset and Jon was kind enough to offer a ride down there, since he and his friend from Ohio were going to swing by the show before going to see Beach House.
I'm now going to wrap this post up in a hurry, because I started writing it a really long time ago and forgot what the point was. Human Giant was pretty funny, Aziz is probably my favorite of the troupe and Paul was not there sadly, due to flight delays or some such shenanigans. His gap was missed. They said "fuck" a great many times, yet parents with young children were there. This is why society has no hope for the future.
Graham and I then went to the Fuddle, and ate free food. Speaking of the Fuddle, I invite anyone who's made it to the end of this pointless post to list their favorite half off meal at the Fuddle. That is all, maybe next time I'll post something worth your time.