Before finals, AJ, a friend from my graduate program, who happens to be a Phillies fan, a fanatic if you will, invited me to go the Buccos - Phillies game on the 26th. Sadly, it was the last start for Matt Morris. He didn't make it out of the second inning, giving up six runs, three earned, much to the delight of AJ and other Philly fans. After the game and some quarters at Hemingway's Jared and Matt came to the after party at my house, to the delight of my roommates who were all sleeping or trying to go to sleep. Robb was apparently out pretty cold because as I burst into his room, requesting his fine drumming services for Rock Band, he yelled/screamed at me. After it became readily apparent that a fourth was not to be, we proceeded rocking. As the night wore on, and the beers got drank, fun was had by all. Near the end though, the blue drum pad ceased to function.
Several theories have been developed.
1) Someone poured beer on the blue drum pad rendering it useless. Topaz thought the entire drum set felt sticky.

2) We made late night Peanut Butter Dainties, and powdered sugar was licked off the blue drum pad, leaving a sticky residue and in the process, the drum pad lost its functionality.
3) Topaz broke it, just like he broke the pedal, by playing Mississippi Queen. To be fair he "made sure them drums [were] smacking." He then attempted to fix the pads with duct tape and broken metal pieces, but wasn't so lucky this time.
4) Jon broke it in a fit of rage because "shitting has been a totally new experience...for the worse."
5) Robb broke it because he missed out on the PBD's.
These are only theories, there is no way of knowing what really happened. What is known however, is that in 5-7 days a new drum kit will arrive via UPS and we can get back to rocking.
In closing, comments on all posts are appreciated and welcome.
Way to represent Robb with the chest hair and the blue man group drums =)
I like the C.H.U.D. style extend-o-neck that makes it seem like Robb's head is about to fly or has already popped off.
i just want to say that i heard robb scream and i imagined him popping out of bed like the guy in the game "don't wake daddy." robb, question: do you wear a striped pajama dress and matching nightcap to bed?
i can neither confirm nor deny this story or the related story involving nightcaps and striped pajamas.
It is confirmed however that if Robb missed out on PBD's he would most certainly destroy something...Guitar Hero III perhaps...oh wait that already happened and not even over PBD's.
It is confirmed however that if Robb missed out on PBD's he would most certainly destroy something...Guitar Hero III perhaps...oh wait that already happened and not even over PBD's.
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